Art Yoga Pills
Welcome to Art Yoga Pills with Dinny! In this space we connect and share together through our conversations in order to inspire and empower you. To discover more about us and our creative wellbeing project visit us on https://www.artyoga.co/ and follow us on our social media channels Facebook https://www.facebook.com/artyoga.creativewellbeing/ Instagram https://www.instagram.com/artyoga.creativewellbeing
Art Yoga Pills
54. E54 - Podcast Experience - Insights and Gratitude
In this episode, we would like to share our experience with you. On this occasion, we are tracing back our journey with this project.
Sharing insights and expressing gratitude for the deep connection with the community of Aotearoa New Zealand, the land of the long white cloud.
An opportunity to inspire you through our guests’ stories to understand their journey, core beliefs and goals, possibly stimulating your curiosity to discover your personal insights and your own vision of the world.
Being open to the unknown while you let your intuition guide you and just take some time if you like to scroll this page and connect with one of our inspiring conversations.
Contact us by email if you wish to connect and share your story with us. Email contactus.artyoga@gmail.com
From our voices to your heart. To be continued…
Buon ascolto.